FAQ – Acesight/Acesight S

What’s the price of Acesight/Acesight S?

If you are in USA, the price information can be found here.

If not, please leave us a message, so price offered by Acesight local representative can be informed.

How long can I use the Acesight/Acesight S?

Acesight/Acesight S will work for more than 4 hours on a full charge.

How does Full Color/Menu button work?

The Full Color/Menu button is the big oval button below all other buttons in the middle of the controller. It serves many purposes, including:

  • Switch from High Contrast and Outline viewing back to full color mode
  • Re-center the Floating Reading Mode image
  • Display everything in Full Color
  • Enter the Settings menu with Long Press
  • Exit the menu with Short Press

I have played the organ at my local church. Can Acesight/Acesight S help me to see the sheet music?


Because of the open design of Acesight and Acesight S, you’re able to glance down if needed to ensure proper placement of your fingers on the keyboard (or strings if you’re playing guitar) while also being able to look straight ahead at the sheet music, adjusting magnification and contrast as needed, using the Acesight controller.

Where can I get the full specification of Acesight/Acesight S?

All the specifications of Acesight are listed on Acesight Brochure.

Acesight S specifications can be found in Acesight S Quick Guide.

I have other questions.

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